Friday, June 14, 2013

I Don't Wanna be a Hypocrite (One Pagans Feelings on Christianity)

This is has been a very difficult post for me to write. I want to make clear up front that this in no way reflects the way all or even the way most of Pagans feel. This is my own personal struggle on something that became important to me to express because no one seems to want to and I feel that its important to weed out hate and misunderstandings wherever we can to better ourselves and our community.

One of the hardest things for me to admit is when I've been a hypocrite. We've all done it at one point or another whether its damning our neighbor for his addictions while we smoke a cigarette or getting mad at a friend for gossiping then turning around and doing the same thing.

We don't like to think of ourselves as hypocrites as we do these things but like it or not we are.

And as I sit here writing this I must shamefully admit that I've been a hypocrite.

I get so frustrated with my family when they lecture me about my faith, my sexuality, etc. All I want is for them to shut up, realize that I'm happy, that my first crush at 5 was a girl and that I've been a practicing Pagan for almost a decade - neither of them are "childish phases" - and to just be happy for me because I'm happy.

Earlier this year we had to put my grandmother into a nursing home. We'd originally thought it would be a temporary stay as she recovered from surgery but her Alzheimer's has progressed so much we had to face that she would probably never live on her own again and get rid of her apartmnet.

My grandmother is a hoarder and - lucky me - the job of sorting through her things - pack, sort, or donate - mainly fell on my shoulders.

Going through her things was hard, not just because it was acknowleding her physical and mental decline - but also because she had book case after book case full of Christian books, cassettes, CD's, VHS's, and DVD's. I had to through these individually (she's preaching on some of them and they were mixed in with everything else) and read such titles as, "The Pocket Guid to Demons, Witches, and the Occult" and "Overcoming Witchcraft". There were also sermons entitled, "The Homosexual Spirit: The Demon that Plagues Our Society", and my personal favorite, "Thou Shalt Suffer Not a Witch to Live: Protecting Your Home and Family from Witchcraft and the Occult."

My grandmother and I had fought for years prior to her illness, it was pretty clear to anyone who saw us together that she hated me. She even went so far, one time, as to accuse me of eventually molesting my son "like all gays do". I'm not a violent person, but she's very lucky my gay girlfriend was there that day when I couldn't see through the red.

So, as I'm going through these things this is all I can think about: Whos the person you threatened to call children services on for dating a woman? This girl. Who is the one who memorized your medial history at 14 and has kept track of all your medical and finances because you were having trouble keeping track of everything? This girl. Who's the girl you called the police on when you found a book on Wicca in her room? This girl. Who's the girl who made sure you made it to the hospital when I knew you were ill and everyone else thought I was exaggerating but the doctor said you would have died had I not? This girl.

Sure its probably childish and petty to think this way under the circumstances but I've seen her multiple times since then and never breathed a word of my momentary anger. All the same, in the moment all the old anger was dredged up again.

Every Christian article I picked up my lip curled in disgust, I would scoff at some things, throw some things away on the principle of refusing to spread hate.

A couple days later when my hind sight was a little clearer I realized how haughty I was being - which led to me realizing that this had been going on for some time to a lesser degree.

The pang of annoyance when my incredibly sweet dentists cross hangs in my eyes while he's working, the impatience I feel when my live-in relative comes home and starts talking about the sermon he heard at church, the small flare of anger I felt when the eye doctor told my daughter to kneel like she was praying in church before he examined her eyes.

Am I really beginning to resent Christianity this much?

I try to teach my children to be accepting of all spiritual paths - all religions - I pray that my family can just come to accept me as I am and stop asking me to change - then here I am - my lip curling without conscious thought when I see their religious symbols.

There's part of me that says, "This is a religion that has rarely shown me any face besides that of condemnation and judgment. This is the faith that my parents hold that caused them to mock me, question my sanity; my character all because I love differently. Why should I like them?"

Then there's that better part of me that replies, "Because you cant paint them all with the same brush - prejudice is prejudice. You have friends that are Christians that treat you fine and you love them! You're better than this. Acceptance goes both ways!"

So the question is:  is it really try to be accepting/understanding of people who see us this way? As demon possessed and stupid, whose "Good Book" teaches them not to care whether we live or die, some of them may even pity the eternal damnation in hell they believe we're destined for on this path. Its hard to be too accepting of a faith that encourages its followers to fear us - especially when fear so often leads to hate in the human heart.

Is it enough to be ok with and be accepting of the fact that they believe differently than I while simultaneously rolling your eyes at so much they believe? Is this normal or too conflicting?

How do you align what you know to be right with how you feel when it isn't?

Each of us are individuals - I think this is what I need to remind myself of right now - you're going to find your Christians who are fine with everyone believing what they feel is right for them and then you're going to find others who want to begin quoting scripture at you and lecturing.

I just need to take my own advice and make the decision to work on this; to catch and correct myself when I start thinking that way, etc.

One day at a time I guess.

Have you dealt with this? How do you feel about it? What do you think? Am I right or wrong?



  1. I faced something similar to this a while back. My grandmother passed away 3 years ago, and my grandfather informed me that she died because of me. That my religious choice had allowed the devil to enter their home and attack my grandmother and that is why she died. In all reality, she died because she had cancer. For a while, I was quite bitter about it all. I've grown a bit more here lately, and let me tell you something. I'm a weird mix of religions. I believe many of my pagan beliefs, and I believe many of Jesus' teachings.

    Something I wish all Christian people would realize is this: Jesus came here to teach love and acceptance. He loved a prostitute! One of the ten commandments is to love your neighbor as you love yourself. Christians are taught not to judge, lest they be judged in turn, and yet everywhere we turn there is another Christian person judging yet another person. The bible states that all are sinners. While I don't believe that in a Christian concept (as in the way I live my life is a sin), I take it to mean that no one is perfect, everyone has problems, and we should not judge anyone for the way they live their lives, because our lives aren't perfect either.

    I completely understand your anger, and it is a legitimate feeling for you to have. I do think though, you should look at it this way. Those that are judging you have no room to judge in anyway. There is something completely wrong with them, in the fact that they are so closed minded that they can't even take what their bible truly states to heart, that they should actually be pitied. Send them positive energy, and pray for them to have their eyes opened. You would be surprised by the changes that will take place in your life when you shift your view point on the situation.

    I am so sorry for the persecution you have faced, and I truly hope you don't have to face it anymore. Just remember, we are all human, all one, and just like you have problems and issues in your life, so do they. I pray that Archangel Raphael will enter into your life and wrap you in his healing embrace. To help heal your hurt feelings, and to help those around you heal as well. Everyone can use a little healing! Brightest blessings to you, and I truly hope this response helped.

    1. Hello Luna,
      My sincerest apologies that it has taken so long for me to respond to your comment! If you've seen my latest post you'll see that I lost my grandmother right after this post and when your reply came I was dealing with getting things ready for her funeral.

      I'm also so sorry for the words your grandfather said. I can't blame you for an instant for being bitter - that happens when someone breaks your heart and so often that breaking was caused by horrid words.

      I'm glad to hear that you've healed and come to a place of understanding. I, myself, am working on this. I'm happy to say that my personal bitterness is easing, my lips curling a little less! lol

      When it comes to the teachings of Jesus, I should've specified that I've never really had issue with them. In many ways I have adopted the Gandhi attitude of, 'I like your Christ but I do not like your Christians; your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'

      The image of Jesus I hold in my mind, were I to meet him, may try to lead me to his father - but he would hug me and he would never hate me.

      Even then, I don't hate Christians - its particular people I don't like or at that very least I dislike their mindset. When you look at Jesus and his teachings it baffles me that his words are supposed to be valued by such a large group of people that are so judgmental.

      It baffles me further that when people read the Bible they take the word of men who are supposed to be Gods prophets, the authors of each book in the Bible, and seem to give those words precedence in many ways over the words of his son. Which, when you consider it and his words "When you have seen me you have seen my father" - isn't that like saying his words are straight from the horses mouth so to speak? That his feelings, his words, are the same his father - Gods - words? That God is as much love as he is - that God is as little hate as he is?

      Yet the Bible has been used as an excuse to wage wars both literally and socially against different races, classes, and groups of people. Its baffling when you really think about it.

      In the end, I'm coming to terms with these things. Not letting the words and attitudes of these people get to me - though still mostly avoiding them all-together lol.

      Thank you for reading my blog and I sincerely hope to hear from you further in the future!

      Brightest Blessings,

